Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Web Graphics Pack - Review

Hi Everyone Martin Here,

Today I am going to Tell you about a
Web Graphics Pack
that I Just Purchased.
Why I am telling you about this, well as you
know I don`t like to pay much for the tools I use
in my business and the price of these graphics
is just incredible, the quality superb and whats more
they cater for those of us that can`t afford Photo Shop.
They come in jpeg format and PSD so anyone can use
them on their web pages.
I`m still going through them there is so many.

Web Graphics Pack

You get them by joining a membership site for a small
one-off charge, you can then download the
Web Graphics Pack from there, there is also a cool video
on how to customize a header graphic,
you won`t believe the bonuses.
Its not often you receive so much for so little, there`s no catch,
although you are presented with a one time offer for access to a
much larger collection, I`m a bit of a tight wad so I didn`t bite.
There is merit in becoming a member on the higher teer if your
earning off your sites and you can afford it as there are even
more fantastic graphics to be had.
If you fancy a look and want to find out more go here

By for now,



Thursday, 31 July 2008

Review of Post Launch Profit Secrets

If you have ever read, listened to or watched a free info product and thought why did I bother wasting my time with that, you have not seen or heard one of Alex Jeffreys free offerings.

His Post Launch Profit Secrets has raised the standard of free. It contains extreme value, in that if you act on what is contained in the audio, you could experience making a life changing amount of money on the Internet.

Now we have all heard the term ‘the money is in the list’, well Alex Jeffreys takes this concept and explains how anyone can create a list. Not just any list, but one that is highly responsive and loves getting their wallets out every time you find a product that you think is worth recommending.

In this free audio the information that Alex gives away is phenomenal. He takes you step by step describing how he found out about this proven money making system. Then he goes into great detail on how we can do it ourselves, without having to pay out the thousands of dollars that Alex did to set him on the path of success he is on now.

Along side him on the audio is Michael Cheney who also gives some invaluable insights into the very same money making system that makes him millions too.

Alex does like to mention a few famous internet marketers’ names and talk about places he has been too, but it is all par for the course and doubles as inspiration for those of us listening and desiring that internet marketing lifestyle.

If you are anything like me, you will be thrilled with information contained within the audio, as it has helped me develop a master plan of success. Hopefully in 8 weeks I too will have the beginnings a list to be proud of and be able to shoot off an email and make money. I’m sure that sounds good to you too!


Listen your way into internet marketing
success with Post Launch Profit Secrets



Thursday, 17 July 2008

List Building

Hi Folks Martin Here

On the subject of List Building,
I found this the subject
the most frustrating as no one would give a difinitive answer as to how you go about it, it`s like it`s secret information and no one wants to give it away, not all of it anyway. I eventually found the answers and this is how you do it from scratch
to do this you will need A domain name and Web space :

1. Firstly you will need a domain name, try to make it contain the main subject keyword or words of what your site will be about. visit 1+1 hosting

2. Get yourself some paid for hosting, you can get free hosting but their not up to much,I would not recommend it myself. I use 1+1 hosting where you can buy inexpensive domains and hosting.

3. You will require a FTP program to upload your webpages to your site, you can get one free at

4. Now for a free wysiwyg html editor, I recommend you use Sea Monkey or NVU komposer personally I use Sea Monkey which is a web browser that includes an excellent editor and mail program, NVU is a stand alone editor.

5. Last but not least you will require an autoresponder, very important this is what will make you money if used correctly. You could use a paid monthly service like Aweber an excellent service provider. Or you could use a script based autoresponder on your site like Unselfish Responder Pro a bit fiddly to set up and harder to use than Aweber but a good tool for the price.

Now you know what tools are required, click on the link below which will take you to a site that contains a page full of how-to videos, just sign up for free and you will be taken there, they are very good, the best I`ve seen.

Join our Newsletter and receive a free gift from me



Impossible To Make Money Online. UNLESS!!!

Did you know? Making money online is
next to impossible!!!

Unless that is, you learn internet marketing , how to build
and run a website, make sales pages, promote your product,
build a list ( most important)
or even sell on Ebay etc.

It`s a lot of work and so much effort you sometimes think of
giving up,but that would be defeatist and that
would not do would it?...

There are lots of FREE and PAID for e-books,articles,reports,
blogs and websites on these subjects SO WHY NOT
search the internet today, so tomorrow you can start your education.
If you don`t want the hassle of searching for these resources yourself
why not join my Free Newsletter so every few days you can
receive links to recommended FREE and PAID
resources from me,
Together we`ll get there.

Martin Wilkins

Do it Now and receive a free E book to get your library started

Just fill out and send the form below:

First Name:



Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Free Advertizing

Another little nugget for you!!!
If you truly want your ads read by real persons then please keep reading.

Here's a great FREE Advertising Service, which I can fully recommend.

It has a membership of over 400,000!

Everyone needs business exposure and this is an excellent service where you can promote your own business opportunity.

Increase Your Websites Traffic and Maximize Your Exposure! Check it out right away:

Find out More Here

back soon


Sunday, 6 July 2008

Brilliant Internet Marketing Tool

Hi Welcome to my blog.

My name is Martin Wilkins And I have Created this Blog to introduce you to some of the most useful and inexpensive Tools and Info I find on the Net. I hope you find them as useful as I have.

Just come across this brilliant Internet Marketing Tool
and I think everyone should know about it.

The things you can do with it are just amazing.

Just think if you had the ability to find the best performing AdWords and bids,
you can with this tool!!.

Just think if you had the ability to Instantly Discover Your Competitors SEO Tricks!
you can with this tool!!.

Just think if you had the ability to Magically Find & Create Unique Articles & Content!
you can with this tool!!.

Just think if you had the ability to Discover the Best Advertising Spots for Lowest Prices!
you can with this tool!!.

Just think if you had the ability to Find Undiscovered Profitable Niches!
you can with this tool!!.

Just think if you had the ability to Track & Improve Your Conversions!
you can with this tool!!.

Just think if you had the ability to Instantly Create Joint Venture Relations!
you can with this tool!!.

All this and more, more and more…
And you know what?
It won`t cost you a penny.

want to find out more?
I bet you do.

For more information Click HERE

I`ll Be Back With More,
